Interrupt, Disrupt, Destroy (a dark poem)

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The Good Club converts looming ruination to reclamation

INTERRUPT, DISRUPT, DESTROY… A hard-hitting, dark composition representing reactions of today’s unthinkable wave of fraud and violence – against the innocent. This piece was written during a particular week of severe and unnecessary acts in the U.S.. Honest thoughts are torrent here. [Not for the weak-stomach.]

July 1, 2022

Today I find…

Brutality growing, civility shrinking, betrayal full tilt

Cyber disciples hatch tiny droplets for massive thievery

Young puppets obey bloodthirsty leaders

Your day at the office, my hurricane, my hurricane

Your anxious cluster swells with ease – a scratch to an itch

Paranoid merchants smolder in horror armed merely with prayer

What walls may crumble next?

The understand club… you are unacceptable


The powers of merit indelibly sway me, not your song of corruption 


Today you ask…

Meet you, bond with you, caress you? I haughtily refuse

You, a daring breed of no authentic family, no shepherd, bar cruelty

Your arousal is solely criminal, criminal

Monster power radiates only to the vulnerable

Followers terminate for your acceptance

A comfortable place this cannot be

A future in a crevasse, bones and entrails remain

The beware club… I won’t feed the monster


Those most admired wear threads of humanity, I fasten myself to their garb


Today I answer…

Your upheaval shocks like a twister, attention you demand

Your value none, weakling faces covered

Where hungry savages play, from you I distance, disregard

Your storm approaches, I walk away

My attention, now apathy, you will dissolve, dissolve

Take note… I speak nothing, I hear everything

The disrupt club… day-by-day, disrupt 

My circle view you with shame, your authority, useless

Your trademark, tiring

Transform your frigid colony, release your peers

The good offer warmth and change to disciples 

Heed the message, discover grace, not destruction


Those who nurture exist, momentum will surround


Tomorrow I find…

Elders’ tales to thrive on, to learn from that wilt me to grateful knees 

Bathed in amazement, the good club raises me higher, higher

I see a lost young one, he dithers the surface of the lawless swamp

Rescue him, renew him, direct him so he may unfurl civility

The interrupt club… there is compassion here


Those who convey caring drink spirits of goodness, I pour only for them


The old family down the road, the values clan

Together we honor goodwill with ease, short of weakness

Our power mighty, tenacity fierce

The unacceptable, poised for ruins

Remaining savages shattered, violence dismantled


I direct you with inspiration, kindness and alliance, life foundations


Dilate balance swiftly, hold tightly

Reclaim and celebrate a future more certain

Protect me, join me, shield my neighbor

Thank God for my eyes to see, for my heart that beats, for my arms to hold

Esteemed roots grow new branches, the good club will accept you

We offer you family

Destroy the monster… for he is unacceptable


In every neighborhood exists a loving tribe… seek us


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